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Prof. Dr. Andreas Engelen

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Prof. Dr. Andreas Engelen
Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Chair of Management
Universitätsstr. 1
40225 Duesseldorf

Building: 24.31
Floor/Room: 02.04
(0211) 81 12007

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Curriculum Vitae

Andreas Engelen holds the Chair of Business Administration, in particular Management at Heinrich Heine University since April 2019. After studying business administration at RWTH Aachen University, he received his PhD from RWTH in 2007. He then worked for two years as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company before completing his habilitation in business administration at RWTH Aachen University in 2011 and accepting an appointment as professor of management at the Technical University of Dortmund. He held this chair from 2011 to 2019. Since 2011, he has been regularly involved with course formats in executive education at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, where he serves on the faculty advisory board.

As part of his practical activities, he is co-founder of chair spin-offs and advisor to various medium-sized companies. He supports a number of medium-sized companies in education formats for employees and executives. He writes a monthly column on current business topics in "Markt und Wachstum - das Mittelstandsmagazin".

Research Topics

His research deals with topics of strategic and entrepreneurial management. A current focus of his research is on studies that uncover success factors of new business creation - both in the context of established companies and in the startup context. For his research, he has received top rankings in recent Handelsblatt and Wirtschaftswoche rankings (such as top 15 researchers under 40). His research has been published in top international academic journals (such as MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies) as well as in prominent practice-oriented publications such as Harvard Business Manager.

In the German-speaking world, he has authored a number of textbooks. Of particular note are the first German-language textbooks on the topics of corporate entrepreneurship and opportunity recognition. The textbook on Opportunity Recognition has also been published in English. In addition, he authored the first German-language textbook contribution on the topic of "The Strategies of Digital Champions".



  • Engelen, A./von Gagern, C./Engelen, M. (2023): Opportunity Recognition: 15 Approaches for More Business Growth, SpringerGabler.
  • Aytekin, D./Engelen, A. (2022): Souverän entscheiden und führen: Was Führungskräfte von Schiedsrichtern lernen können, Redline Verlag.
  • Engelen, A./Schneider, O. (2021): Die Strategien digitaler Champions, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
  • Engelen, A./von Gagern, C./Engelen, M. (2021): Opportunity Recognition – 15 Tools zur Entdeckung neuen Geschäfts, 2. Auflage, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
  • Engelen, A./Engelen, M./Bachmann, J. (2015): Corporate Entrepreneurship – Unternehmerisches Management in etablierten Unternehmen, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
  • Engelen. A./Tholen, E. (2014): Interkulturelles Management, Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.
  • Engelen, A. (2007): Marktorientierung junger Unternehmen: Einflussgrößen und Wirkung im interkulturellen Vergleich zwischen Deutschland, Thailand und Indonesien, Wiesbaden: Gabler.

Articles in international journals (double-blind reviewed)

  • Rieger, V./Dreller, A./Engelen, A. (2024): Zooming in on the Very Early Days: The Role of Trademark Applications in the Acquisition of Venture Capital Seed Funding, in: Journal of Marketing Research, forthcoming.
  • Göttel, V./Lichtinger, Y./Engelen, A. (2024): Rethinking new venture growth: A time series cluster analysis of biotech startups’ heterogeneous growth trajectories, in: Long Range Planning, forthcoming.
  • Engelen, A./Huesker, C./Rieger, V./Berg, V. (2024): Building a resilient organization through a pre-shock strategic emphasis on innovation, in: Journal of Product Innovation Management, 41 (4), 36-61.
  • Rieger, V./Wilken, J./Engelen, A. (2022): Career Booster or Dead End: Entrepreneurial Failure and Its Consequences for Subsequent Corporate Careers, in: Journal of Management Studies, 60 (4), 800-833.
  • Engelen, A./Rieger, V./Wehner, M./Heidemann, F. (2022): Is Organizational Commitment to IT Good for Employees? The Role of Industry Dynamism and Concentration, in: MIS Quarterly, 46 (4), 2387-2404.
  • Terbeck, H./Rieger, V./van Quaquebeke, N./Engelen, A. (2022): Once a Founder, Always a Founder? The Role of External Former Founders in Corporate Boards, in: Journal of Management Studies, 59(5), 1284-1314.
  • Reese, D./Rieger, V./Engelen, A. (2021): Should Competencies be Broadly Shared in New Ventures’ Founding Teams?, in: Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 15 (4), 568-589
  • Rieger, V./Gründler, A./Winkler, H. J./Tschauner, B./Engelen, A. (2021). A cross-national perspective of compassion's role in driving social entrepreneurial intentions, in:Journal of International Management, 27(1), 100824.
  • Winkler, H./Rieger, V./Engelen, A. (2020): Does the CMO’s personality matter for web traffic? Evidence from technology-based new ventures, in: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38, 308-330.
  • Nuscheler, D./Engelen, A./Zahra, S. (2019): The role of top management teams in transforming technology-based new ventures’ product introductions into growth, in: Journal of Business Venturing, 34(1), 122-240.
  • Garms, F./Engelen, A. (2019): Innovation and R&D in the Upper Echelons: The Association between the CTO's Power Depth and Breadth and the TMT's Commitment to Innovation, in: Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36(1), 87-106.
  • Wiedeck, C./Engelen, A. (2018): The copycat CMO: Firms’ Imitative Behavior as an Explanation for CMO Presence, in: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46, 632-651.
  • Engelen, A./Weinekötter, L./ Saeed, S./Enke, S. (2018): The Effect of Corporate Support Programs on Employees’ Innovative Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study, in: Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35(2), 230-253.
  • Bachmann, J./Engelen, A./Schwens, C. (2016): Toward a Better Understanding of the Association Between Strategic Planning and Entrepreneurial Orientation – The Moderating Role of National Culture, in: Journal of International Management, 22(4), 297‒315.
  • Engelen, A./Kaulfersch, A./Schmidt, S. (2016): The Contingent Role of Top Management’s Social Capital on the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance, in: Journal of Small Business Management, 54(3), 827‒850.
  • Engelen, A./Neumann, C./Schmidt, S. (2016): Should Entrepreneurially Oriented Firms Have Narcissistic CEOs?, in: Journal of Management, 42(3), 698–721.
  • Engelen, A./Buchsteiner, M./Schmidt, S. (2015): The Simultaneous Influence of National Culture and Market Turbulence on Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Nine-Country Study, in: Journal of International Management, 21(1), 18‒30.
  • Schneider, M./Engelen, A. (2015): Enemy or Friend? The Cultural Impact of Cross-functional Behavior on the EO performance Link, in: Journal of World Business, 50(3), 439‒453.
  • Hempelmann, F./Engelen, A. (2015): Integration of Finance with Marketing and R&D in New Product Development: The Role of Project Stage, in: Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32(4), 636–654.
  • Engelen, A./Neumann, C./Schwens, C. (2015): “Of Course I Can”: The Effect of CEO Overconfidence on Entrepreneurially Oriented Firms, in: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 39(8), 1137–1160.
  • Flatten, T./Engelen, A./Möller, T./Brettel, M. (2015): How Entrepreneurial Firms Profit from Pricing Capabilities: An Examination of Technology-Based Ventures, in: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 39(5), 1111–1136.
  • Engelen, A./Gupta, V./Strenger, L./Brettel, M. (2015): Entrepreneurial Orientation, Firm Performance, and the Moderating Effect of Transformational Leadership Behaviors, in: Journal of Management, 41(4), 1069–1097.
  • Engelen, A./Kube, H./Schmidt, S./Flatten, T. (2014): Entrepreneurial Orientation in Turbulent Environments: The Moderating Role of Absorptive Capacity, in: Research Policy, 43(8), 1353–1369.
  • Engelen, A./Thalmann, J./Flatten, T./Brettel, M. (2014): Corporate Culture, National Culture, and Entrepreneurial Orientation, in: Journal of Small Business Management, 52(4), 732–752.
  • Saeed, S./Engelen, A./Yousafzai, S. (2014): On Cultural and Macroeconomic Contingencies of the Entrepreneurial Orientation-Performance Relationship, in: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(3), 255–290.
  • Engelen, A./Schmidt, S./Strenger, L./Brettel, M. (2014): Top Management’s Transformational Leadership Behaviors and Innovation Orientation: A Cross-Cultural Perspective in Eight Countries, in: Journal of International Management, 20(2), 124–136.
  • Engelen, A./Lackhoff, F./Schmidt, S. (2013): How Can CMOs Strengthen Their Influence? A Social Capital Perspective across Six Countries, in: Journal of International Marketing, 21(4), 88–109.
  • Engelen, A./Brettel, M. (2012): A Coalitional Perspective on the Role of the R&D Department within the Organization, in: Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(3), 489–505.
  • Land, S./Engelen, A./Brettel, M. (2012): Top Management’s Social Capital and Learning in New Product Development and Its Interaction with External Uncertainties, in: Industrial Marketing Management, 41, 521–530.
  • Engelen, A./Wiest, G./Brettel, M. (2012): Cross-Functional Integration and New Product Performance – the Impact of National and Corporate Culture, in: Journal of International Management, 18(1), 52–65.
  • Brettel, M./Mauer, R./Engelen, A./Küpper, D. (2012): Corporate Effectuation: Entrepreneurial Action and Its Impact on R&D Project Performance, in: Journal of Business Venturing, 27, 167–184.
  • Brettel, M./Engelen, A./Oswald, M. (2011): What Is the “Right” Market Orientation for New Entrepreneurial Ventures? A Five-Country Study, in: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, Special Issue, 6, 1–34.
  • Breuer, R./Brettel, M./Engelen, A. (2011): Incorporating Long-term Effects in Determining the Effectiveness of Different Types of Online Advertising, in: Marketing Letters, 22, 327–340.
  • Brettel, M./Engelen, A./Müller, T./Schilke, O. (2011): Distribution in New Entrepreneurial Ventures, in: Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 35(4), 683–708.
  • Kemper, J./Engelen, A./Brettel, M. (2011): How Top Management’s Social Capital Fosters the Development of Specialized Marketing Capabilities: A Cross-cultural Comparison, in: Journal of International Marketing, 19(3), 87–112.
  • Engelen, A./Brettel, M. (2011): A Cross-Cultural Perspective of Marketing Departments’ Influence Tactics, in: Journal of International Marketing, 19(2), 73–94.
  • Flatten, T./Engelen, A./Brettel, M./Zahra, S. (2011): A Measure of Absorptive Capacity: Scale Development and Validation, in: European Management Journal, 29, 96–116.
  • Engelen, A./Brettel, M. (2011): Assessing Cross-cultural Marketing Theory and Research: Reply to Craig and Douglas’ Commentary, in: Journal of Business Research, 64(7), 782–784.
  • Engelen, A./Brettel, M. (2011): Assessing Cross-cultural Marketing Theory and Research, in: Journal of Business Research, 64(5), 516–523.
  • Brettel, M./Heinemann, F./Engelen, A./Neubauer, S. (2011): Cross-functional Integration of R&D, Marketing, and Manufacturing in Radical and Incremental Product Innovations and Its Effects on Project Effectiveness and Efficiency, in: Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(2), 249–267.
  • Engelen, A. (2010): Entrepreneurial Orientation as a Function of National Cultural Variations in Two Countries, in: Journal of International Management, 16(4), 354–368.
  • Brettel, M./Engelen, A./Voll, L. (2010): Letting Go to Grow – Empirical Findings on a Hearsay, in: Journal of Small Business Management, 48(4), 552–579.
  • Brettel, M./Engelen, A./Heinemann, F./Vadhanasindhu, P. (2008): Antecedents of Market Orientation: A Cross-Cultural Comparison, in: Journal of International Marketing, 16(3), 84–119.

Articles in national journals (double-blind reviewed)

  • Chwallek, C./Engelen, A./Oswald, M./Brettel, M. (2012): Die Wirkung des Führungsverhaltens des Top-Managements auf die unternehmerische Orientierung – ein 5-Länder-Vergleich, in: Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 64, 2‒36. (VHB-Jourqual3: B)
  • Engelen, A./Brettel, M./Thalmann, J. (2011): Macht und Einfluss verschiedener Abteilungen in frühen und späten organisationalen Lebenszyklusphasen, in: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 81, 295–326. (VHB-Jourqual3: B)
  • Engelen, A./Wolff, C./Steffenhagen, H./Brettel, M. (2010): Werbe-Management in jungen Wachstumsunternehmen, in: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 80 (1), 31–69. (VHB-Jourqual3: B)
  • Engelen, A./Brettel, M. (2009): Determinanten und Effekte der Marktorientierung – eine Analyse nicht-linearer Zusammenhänge, in: Die Betriebswirtschaft, 69 (6), 717–739. (VHB-Jourqual3: C)
  • Engelen, A./Kemper, J./Brettel, M. (2010): Die Wirkung von operativen Marketing-Mix-Fähigkeiten auf den Unternehmenserfolg – ein 4-Länder-Vergleich, in: Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 62 (11), 710–743. (VHB-Jourqual3: B)
  • Brettel, M./Engelen, A./Müller, T. (2009): Vertriebswegewahl in jungen, innovativen Unternehmen, in: Die Betriebswirtschaft, 69 (4), 441–465. (VHB-Jourqual3: C)
  • Brettel, M./Engelen, A./Heinemann, F./Kessell, A. (2008): Marktorientierte Unternehmenskultur als Erfolgsfaktor in jungen Wachstumsunternehmen, in: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 78 (11), 1197–1220. (VHB-Jourqual3: B)
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